Taking Time to Smell the Roses

roses I can’t help it, I love flowers, especially roses! So whenever I am within 20 feet of these beauties, I will “stop and smell the roses“.

Sadly, a lot of the fresh cut roses you find in stores don’t offer up much of a scent. I’m not sure why that is, whether the scent has been hybrid cross-bred out of the modern day versions….or maybe I just sniff the cheap ones at the grocery store. 😛

Nevertheless, I am not opposed to taking the time to smell the roses at the stores. And I don’t just sniff one bunch, I’ll sniff them all until I find a rose that has even a slight scent. The scent of roses is very intoxicating. It is also said that the rose scent can have uplifting qualities for your spirit. The energy level of roses and their scent is rated very high so smelling a nicely scented one can make you happier, more joyous!

Aside from the lovely scent, roses are a beauty to behold. Looking at them makes me smile and such beauty must be captured on film…..well, digital these days! 😜 Check out my series of gorgeous roses pictures from the store and at home.

Roses sold at the store

These were at the local Sam’s Club:


Taken at Costco I believe on a different day:


My aunt’s rose bush outside of her house, these smells soooooo good and are so pretty:


More store displayed roses at Sam’s Club, they really have some pretty looking roses but most of them have no scent:


Roses I actually had at home

roses As much as I like taking pictures of the gorgeous bunches of roses at the store, every once in awhile, I like to splurge and buy myself some roses. It’s much nicer when I get them sent to me or brought to me by a guy…what girl doesn’t love roses, right? 😍



Hey look, I actually bought some at some point:


Roses were sent from FTD to my house and they were absolutely breathtaking!!:


Closeup of the roses sent from FTD:


Roses in the wild

Sometimes I take walks around the neighborhood where I live and there is a house that has these beautifully scented roses right along the sidewalk. Even though the house is on a dead end street, I’ll still walk up that way just to smell the roses. Here are some pictures I’ve taken through the years of roses I find in the wild.

This was taken in Denver in a rose garden:

single rose

This also was taken in Denver in a community rose garden:

single rose

The Single Rose

And lastly, the simplicity and beauty of the single rose. These are close up pics from bouquets of the past…Oh how I love thee!

I love the way the water beads on this rose:

single rose

Beautiful pink rose in ambient lighting:

single rose

This rose was a part of a bouquet that was sent to me via FTD after my trip to Denver:

single rose

This rose along with a huge bouquet of other flowers came on my birthday from a friend. It was ordered from FTD but was arranged and delivered by a local florist:

single rose

Delicate and classy pale pink rose, this picture has been one of my favorites for decades, I refer to it as the perfect rose:

single rose

I hope you have enjoyed my pictures and that maybe it will inspire you to take a little time to go smell the roses too or go buy some flowers for someone you care about! 😘

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