Chris Cornell’s Singing is like Being in Love

I checked out the latest single by Chris Cornell titled “The Keeper” that’s currently shown on his website. I have always been a fan of Chris Cornell and every time I hear his voice singing, it touches me so deeply within. I don’t know what it is about his voice, it’s like magic!

Hearing Chris Cornell’s singing is like being in love

Being in love is the closest description I can give to how I feel when I listen to Chris Cornell sing. If you’ve ever been in love, you know the feeling I am describing….

The feelings of being in love

To me, it’s like you feel this deep consuming warmth that permeates your heart center and reaches deep within to touch your very soul. And every time you breathe in, it’s as though the entire world stands still and quiet and all you notice is that feeling of love and oneness. When you focus your attention on that very feeling, you notice that it expands like the love energy will literally burst and shoot out into the universe. Maybe that’s what stars really are…bits of expanded love energy in the sky. And the more you stay still and feel that incredible love, a tear rolls down your cheek. It’s magnificent, it’s the most beautiful thing to witness and experience.

Chris Cornell AudioslaveAnd hearing Chris Cornell sing feels that way to me. Just the way he uses his voice is absolutely amazing, such a gift to the world. I had the opportunity to see Chris Cornell in concert years ago up in Philly when he was the front man for Audioslave. That was one of the best shows I had ever been to and I have been to A LOT of concerts in my day. I really wish I was fortunate enough to see him on his solo tours but tickets sell out super fast for them. Chris Cornell’s first solo album titled “Euphoria Morning” is still one of my all time favorite albums. I wish I had seen him on that tour. Chris Cornell’s second album titled “Carry On” was introduced to me by this guy I dated years ago and I really like it a lot too.

This new single “The Keeper” does not disappoint at all and touches me deeply, I like it a lot. 😍